
IO1: Research paper and National Adaption plans for Implementing Symbol Work

This IO provides a basic understanding of the presence of symbol work in youth support. Symbol work should be understood in an academic context and an understanding of the requirements and opportunities for implementation in different socio-pedagogical and psychological approaches are described.

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IO2: SymfoS for Youth Care Intervention Set

The (further) development of SymfoS for Youth Care based on the results of previous projects and the results of IO1 (scientific foundations and national adaptation plans) is a key element of the project SymfoS for Youth Care.

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IO3: SymfoS for Youth Care Blended Learning Approach

To create a Profile of Competencies for SFYC Counsellors which specifies what is required for a professional implementing SymfoS in youth work in the different countries. To design trainings courses for the: i) HE-Sector, and ii) VET-Sector.
To prepare Accreditation and Certification of Blended Learning Approach.

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IO4: SymfoS for Youth Care Distance Training Course Development

The training of professionals in youth work is essential for the implementation of the SymfoS for Youth Care methodology and Toolkit. Therefore, it is one of the key IOs of the project. The innovative element will be to blend face-to-face training with online elements.

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IO5: SymfoS for Youth Care F2F Training Development

Development of “Train the Practitioner” curricula and skills profiles, so that suitable staff can be selected and trained to offer and apply SymfoS for Youth Care. All potential attendees of the intensive training (6 days) must fulfil the preconditions for using the methods.
These preconditions are explained in our skills profile. As a minimum precondition, all participants must have a professional qualification in an area of social work/education/psychology/youth work/health and social care/careers guidance or be studying a course in this area at a university.

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IO6: SymfoS for Youth Care Guide for Support & Peer Buddy System

SymfoS for Youth Care follows a multi-level approach (beneficiaries, practitioners, peers, youth and social workers, stakeholders in youth work and education). An important element in this regard is the peer-buddy system. Trained SymfoS practitioners are to accompany and oversee this important process. Framework requirements for implementation of a support system for the young clients are also being described.

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IO7: Transfer Handbook for “SymfoS for Youth Care-Methodology

To ease the implementation of the SymfoS methodology, a transfer handbook will be developed in which all requirements at organizational and systemic level are given for the long-term implementation of the SymfoS method for service providers in Youth Welfare.

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